Tag Archives: mixed-media

Storm Bringer

Storm Bringers, masters of the sky, riding the maelstrom, spreading chaos in their wake.

Watercolour and Acrylic Ink. 31cmx21cm.

11″x8″ watercolour and coloured pencil.

Original painting – £450

If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for delivery details.

Like this? Please vote and share to let me know. This artwork is also available on a range of designs in my store.

When Ravens Dream

When Ravens Dream painting in acrylic ink and watercolour, by ?Helen Frost Rich

I dreamed of a raven with blue eyes holding a blue egg in its beak. When I woke up, I just knew I had to try to capture the ethereal, slightly otherworldy magical quality of that dream. Imagine a dense forest, ancient mossy green trees, a mystical quality to the light, and the raucous call of a raven. Nothing is quite as it first appears in this place. I may visit here again.

Acrylic Inks and Acrylic Gouache 24cmx34cm.

Original painting – £400

If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for delivery details.

Like this? Please vote and share to let me know. This artwork is also available on a range of designs in my store.

Orange Tip Butterfly

Orange Tip butterfly painting by Helen Frost Rich

Spring is arriving and everything is finally waking up after the long winter. I have always admired these tiny flashes of colour as they flit through the countryside. The Orange Tip is a small butterfly, with white wings, and only the male displays the prominent orange splash at the wing tip.

Watercolours & Polychromos, 17cm x 27cm

Original painting – £350

If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for delivery details.

Like this? Please vote and share to let me know. This artwork is also available on a range of designs in my store.

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary

Pearl Bordered Fritillary painting by Helen Frost Rich

The Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary is a beautiful British butterfly. When its wings are open it shows a complex checkerboard orange and black wing pattern. I think the pattern on the underside of its wings is even prettier.

This is part of my ongoing ‘Butterflies of the World’ series.

Watercolour & Polychromos 17cm x 27cm

Original painting – £350

If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for delivery details.

Like this? Please vote and share to let me know. This artwork is also available as a print, or on a range of designs in my store.

Arwen the Black Kite

Painting of a Black Kite bird of prey by Helen Frost Rich

The beautiful Black Kite is not a native species in the UK. This is a painting of Arwen, one of the birds at Kielder Water Birds of Prey Centre, in Northumberland. Arwen is quite a character who likes to steal people’s hats and fly off with them.

Many thanks to Ray and his team for letting me photograph and draw their beautiful birds. If you happen to be in the area, do go and visit.

11″x8″ watercolour and coloured pencil.

Original painting – £350

If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for delivery details.

Like this? Please vote and share to let me know. This artwork is also available on a range of designs in my store.

Speckled Wood Butterfly

Specled Wood Butterfly watercolour by Helen Frost Rich

Speckled Wood butterflies always remind me of dappled sunlight on the woodland floor. Little patches of springtime, flitting around in late May and early June. They may not be as colourful as some of our other butterfly species, nonetheless, they are quite beautiful.

Watercolour & Polychromos 16cm x 22cm.

Original painting – £350

If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for delivery details.

Like this? Please vote and share to let me know. This artwork is also available on a range of designs in my store.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Swallowrail butterfly in watercolour by Helen Frost Rich

There are many different Swallowtail butterflies around the world, and the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is one of my favourites. I love the way its striking black and cream markings continue along its body. It was a real pleasure to paint this one as part of my ongoing ‘Butterflies of the World’ series.

Watercolours & Polychromos 29cm x 26cm

Original painting – £450

If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for delivery details.

Like this? Please vote and share to let me know. This artwork is also available on a range of designs in my store.

Return of Summer – Painted Lady Butterfly

"Summer" painting of a Painted Lady butterfly by Helen Frost Rich.

The beautiful painted lady butterfly migrates between Africa and Europe every year. Its arrival on our shores heralds the return of Summer. When people think of creatures migrating, it is often birds that come to mind. It’s truly incredible to think how far these insects travel, on their delicate, brightly coloured wings.

Watercolour and Polychromos 17.5cm x 21cm.

Like this? Please vote and share to let me know. This artwork is also available on a range of designs in my store. If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for more details.

Fisher King

Fisher King - A kingfisher painting by Helen Frost Rich

A flash of brilliance on a bright summer day, the beautiful Kingfisher exists to lift your spirits.

Polychromos pencils, watercolour and gouache 19.5cm x 27cm.

Original painting – £350

If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for delivery details.

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This artwork is also available on a range of designs in my store.

Mr. Shooble and the Flutterby

Painting of a shoebill with a butterfly perched on its beak.

Shoebills are such incredible looking birds. I have wanted to paint one for a very long time, so here is Mr.Shooble. He seems to have made a new friend.

Polychromo pencils on HP watercolour paper. 36cmx27cm

Original painting – £450

If you would like to purchase the original painting, please contact me for delivery details.

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